Recruit more students without visiting more campuses.

CareerFairy’s campus recruiting platform helps you reach, connect to and recruit from a pool of over 1 million students across 270+ European universities.

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Making recruitment magic happen between 300+ employers and 270+ universities.
Showcase your employer brand to universities - at scale, but personally.
Stand out from the competition for the most promising Gen Z candidates with a better culture fit.
We’ve cracked it!
Discover how campus recruiting and employer branding specialists are using CareerFairy to connect to university talent, at scale.

While we were not facing an issue with applications in general, we were having trouble reaching students in specific university programmes. The team at CareerFairy cracked the campus recruiting code, and got us in front of the best-fit students. Be warned: once you experience the incredible functionality and features of the platform first-hand, there is no going back to using Zoom or Microsoft Teams.

Deborah Birnbaum
Student and Graduate Recruiting Lead

Before partnering with CareerFairy, we were using Instagram Live to hold our career events online. The available features weren't suited to recruiting, so we looked for a more dedicated alternative and found CareerFairy's platform. It is full of interactive features for quality virtual recruiting events. My favourite is receiving the questions from participants when they register for the live stream. It allows us to prepare in advance, resulting in clearer and more personalised answers.

Bernhard Grundner
HR Marketing Future Talent Programmes

We noticed that after the Coronavirus there was a considerable decline of reach via the physical student fairs. We’ve been using CareerFairy to host virtual career events for 3 years. For us, the most important aspect of CareerFairy is its university network. We reach more universities with one live stream, leading to a higher ROI. Also, being able to back our recruiting and employer branding decisions with data is very important to legitimise our decisions.

Kira Seffens
Expert Campus Recruiting & University Relations
See how they did it
CareerFairy’s campus recruiting platform in a nutshell.

Get targeted exposure to the largest university network and student community in the DACH region and The Netherlands. Combine short employee videos and live streams to create a holistic journey, ensuring you hire the right candidates.

Build your university talent network across Europe 
It's now simple to have the whole network of campuses at the service of your continuous early-talent recruiting needs.

You can easily:
target talent according to your needs by study field and seniority
manage all campus outreach from one platform
invite participants to join your company’s talent pool for upcoming opportunities to keep your talent pipeline active.
Use video format to engage with students throughout their candidate journey
Mix short and long video content to deliver personalised, informative video content from discovery to application.

It helps to:
guide talent towards application with useful content
ensure culture fit by providing authentic employee insight
adapt your content easily as your audience evolves.
Back your campus recruitment ROI with data
Analyse engagement metrics and recruitment data on your company dashboard.

Find out in real time:
how engaged students are with your content
what students want to know about your company
the number of applications from live streams or employee videos.

Inside our product

From student questions to authentic employee answers.

Short video format designed to fill in the gaps in students knowledge. They're curious about

opportunities that are right for them
benefits and practicalities before applying or attending live events
how your teams ticks
Discover now

Live streaming dedicated to recruiting.

We don’t do the hiring for you. But we've streamlined the rest.

Receive applications in-stream for hard-to-fill roles or trainee programmes
Reduce cost-per-hire and time-to-hire
Receive applications in-stream for hard-to-fill roles or trainee programmes
Discover now

Explore the live stream selection for students

Making campus
recruiting feel like magic

Boost your recruitment team’s productivity
Shorten time-to-hire
Increase participation through promotion