Academic calendar for university talent acquisition teams
Plan your university recruiting events or activities with more impact, in line with student availability. Here you will find an up-to-date academic calendar with lectures, exams and break periods for most Swiss, German and Dutch universities.
CareerFairy's live-streaming platform is, since the pandemic, an integral part of our early-talent attraction strategy. We organise live streams to talk to bigger audiences of potential applicants and then follow through with a physical event for a more engaged group. An analytics dashboard and the talent pool feature allow us to spot and talk with the best-fit candidates.
Nalan Ayyildiz
Campus Marketing & Relations Regional Lead Switzerland
Since starting to use CareeFairy’s platform around 2 years ago, we have seen a significant increase in registrations, and participation in our Traineeship live streams. As for me, I find it far easier to manage, as everything is in one place. It's also great that I didn’t have to undergo a steep onboarding process, as the platform is simple to use and the support is always at hand.