UBS is a well known brand. The brand carries over to talent attraction so the early-career employer branding team is focusing on attracting ‘the right’ talent. CareerFairy plays an important role in helping UBS to build top-of-funnel awareness in student and graduate audiences. It provides the right combination of interactivity for the Generation Z and the relevant data of the talent pool that allows building relationships with best-fit applicants.
live streams
average number of participants per live stream
talent pool
To improve the whole candidate journey, UBS was aiming at providing relevant information to graduates from the outset. The idea was to allow candidates to select or deselect themselves as early as possible in their journey and give them enough insight to allow them to choose if they want to apply.
Also, for a brand that is well-known, it was important to maximise the efficiency of top-of-funnel activities to maintain brand recognition more easily and at regular intervals.
‘Quality over quantity’ is a mantra that underpins UBS early-talent recruiting activities, but also extends to employer branding. With its inherent challenges, it has an impact on improving the ROI of employer branding activities, which is another area UBS has been focusing on since the end of the Pandemic.
STEM students are the centre of the battle of the financial sector as a whole. So the question is - how to fish in a pond where everyone's fishing for those few prize fish?
UBS as a company is focused on efficiency - how to reach out to larger groups of junior talent with less resources. The challenge was to find a versatile enough tool to be able to adapt to different target audiences and demographics, according to recruiting or business unit needs.
"It really helped us to have an easy-access interactive virtual platform. For the UBS, CareerFairy was really like a ‘one-stop-shop’ with everything that’s related to early-talent employer branding in one place, including easy admin and logistics set-up. Before the live stream, it makes onboarding other streamers easy, and after the event I have instant access to the data."
Nalan Ayyildiz
Flexible solution for different uses
UBS involves recruiting managers and hiring managers, while using CareerFairy to promote graduate programmes and internships to students.
Their live-stream format adapts to various types of content:
Internal collaboration for employer branding projects
"When many teams have to be involved in promoting open roles or employer branding activities, it can be cumbersome. In most cases, UBS hiring managers and smaller divisions choose CareerFairy as their promotion platform because it is easy to set up and get the best results before pivoting into large scale projects."
Starting point to an optimised candidate journey
UBS has built a candidate journey that CareeerFairy supports by making the first encounter personalised and interactive via live streams. The next step in that journey is a physical ‘Meet and Greet’ event, which benefits from and builds on the information shared during the live stream. The event can therefore be devoted to relationship building and networking.
"So for us it's like reaching out to a big community in an easy and interactive way. We've narrowed it down along the way to the point where we can now say this is the recruiting phase, right?"
Improved 2-way communication
CareerFairy is set up in a way that allows the company to see, in advance, questions asked by the registered talent. In this way, streamers have time to think ahead and prepare themselves for those Q&A sessions. They also benefit from an overview of what the potential applicants want to know, which questions repeat, and which ones would be more important to a larger audience. "Previously, with Zoom calls, you had 45 minutes and somehow you kind of ended up having no time for Q&A."
‘Polling’ is another interactive feature that UBS uses during live streams. It involves the participants but doesn’t disrupt the flow of the live stream.
‘Feedback’ pop-ups is another practical way of showing participants that you care about their opinion, to get the most out of the live stream. As it is indirect, the participants are honest in their rating.
Tracking of the ROI
CareerFairy has allowed UBS to connect the dots between participation statistics, demographic data of participants and incorporate the current results into planning of our future activities.